Sunday, January 20, 2013


Cerebral Palsy can change your life.  It can’t ruin it. You can still do amazing things.  Some people think less of us. We should be perceived as the same as non-disabled people! Sure, we can’t talk as well as other people. That is why there are communication devices. PRC has some great communication devices. Check them out at They have made my life a ton easier.  Without them, I wouldn’t be what I am today. I’m so greatly influenced by my my eco.   
I love to talk to people. It is tough for me to get into a conversation.  My Eco isn’t fast enough.  That is very frustrating.  Therefore, I try hard to make it happen.  Most of the time, it isn’t perfect.  At least I can communicate.   Technology has come a long way.  I can’t wait until the best communication device comes out! 
      I just found out that today (January 20th) is a national day of acceptance for people with disabilities. I think that is a really cool idea. I am really lucky that people make me feel accepted. My family always accepts me and I feel accepted at school too. I have never been bullied and I know that I am so lucky. A lot of people with disabilities get bullied. That is so sad. It is sad for anyone to get bullied. I know that some people are different in a lot of ways but that is no reason to be mean. 
Later everybody,