I want to tell you about something great I was a part of. My school district hosts a Christmas party for kids with special needs and I got to be a volunteer for it this year. Me and my friends helped out with some games for the kids and I got to hand out prizes. It felt so good to help make the little kids happy. They all were having a great time.
My disability doesn't interfere with my holiday celebrations at all. I can eat all the great food, sing Christmas songs and open presents! I feel lucky that most places are wheelchair accessible. We have a portable ramp that we take with us so I can get into houses that aren't accessible. So I can go to anyone's house!
I bet you're wondering what I want for Christmas. I really want an iPhone 6S, another dog and I want a laptop. I really enjoy giving presents to people, too.
Here is our Christmas card:
I'll be back in the new year! Have a safe and blessed holiday!